Who I am

I'm a sinner - just like everyone else. I'm prideful, selfish, judgmental, and I can be pretty lazy. Besides that I have done a plethora of other things wrong that would guarantee me not getting into heaven. Not to say I would label myself a bad person, on the contrary, relatively speaking, I'm probably pretty good. I don't drink or use drugs, I've never been arrested, being as yet unmarried I'm still a virgin. I'm kind to strangers and I pray and go to church. The problem is that good just isn't good enough. The standard is perfection and I'm short of it. This is a huge problem when you think about how God created us for a certain purpose, but I have witched it all up for my own selfish ones.

But it doesn't end there (Praise the Lord!). I believe that Jesus Christ took my penalty for all the things I have, and will, do wrong in my life, and because of this, I can have a personal and loving relationship with the God who made the universe and everything in it. So while I can say that I'm not perfect, God sees me as such and accepts me. How? The bible says that "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus God presented Him as a sacrifice of atonement through faith in His blood." Romans 3:23-25. This means that Jesus paid the penalty for our inability to be 100% perfect, and because of that, anyone who accepts this free gift will be reunited to God, and experience his love, joy, and grace here in our lives now, and for eternity afterwards!

So besides the most important thing of what makes me me, that is, being a child of God, here are some other cool facts about who I am: It doesn’t really matter to me exactly what I'm doing; I just enjoy being around good friends. I love spending time with my family and friends and having deep edifying, and spiritual conversations. I lake playing games (especially the ones I make up myself), going hiking/exploring/creek walking, country, swing, and ballroom dancing, singing, cooking, reading, and watching good clean movies. I also like to volunteer my time at church and stuff like that. I enjoy Calvin & Hobbes and Foxtrot comics, the sound of wind through pine trees, and a sky full of stars.

I'd tell you more, but where would the fun in that be? Come and spend some time with me and find out for yourself. Seriously, I promise not to bite...much! :P

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